Sixth Form Information Evening 2023

Oldfield Sixth Form Information Evening 2023 – Tuesday 7th November, 5.30-8.30pm

We would like to invite you to our Sixth Form Information Evening on Tuesday 7th November from 5.30pm – 8.30pm.

From 5.30pm, you will be able to visit our subject fair in the Sports Hall, where you will be able to gather information about individual A level subjects on offer.

This will be followed by a presentation from Head of Sixth Form, Mr Nash, in the Main Hall to discuss the opportunities Oldfield Sixth Form offers your child.  You will also be able to hear from our Headteacher and some of the students who are currently in Year 12.
Due to increased demand, there will be two presentations. Please click on the appropriate link to book your slot:

Presentation 1: 5.45-6.15pm-
Presentation 2: 6.15-6.45pm-

Please be aware that we will close a presentation slot when it becomes full. You will be emailed confirmation of your booking slot closer to the event.

The presentations will be followed by subject presentations in Penn House for each A level course on offer. You will also have the opportunity to tour our Sixth Form facilities and meet Sixth Form students. There will be a café operating in the Sixth Form common room offering refreshments.

Our new prospectus will be available on the Sixth Form Information Evening and an online version should be available on the school’s website from 30th October.

If you would like to apply to Oldfield Sixth Form, please click here;

Students can also apply by scanning the QR code below: