
As a school, we encourage children to pursue out-of-school activities, of which homework is just one. Homework should be used to effectively reinforce or extend what is learned in school. We hope that children will feel a sense of personal satisfaction in a task completed well and that their efforts will be recognised and praised, both at home and at school. Homework tasks should be undertaken to the best of their ability. We hope that parents and carers will be willing and able to give their active support to ensure that work completed at home is done so conscientiously and in the best possible conditions. We know that on entering secondary school, homework is often an area of anxiety for our students. We try to do everything we can to help them manage this transition.

How much homework will my child get?

At Key Stage 3 (years 7-9), students are to be set homework according to the following guidelines:

  • Maths, Science, Modern Foreign Languages – weekly homework of 30 minutes per subject in Years 7 and Year 8, and 40 minutes in Year 9
  • English – four homeworks per term as set out in the ‘Homework Menu’
  • All other subjects, one extended homework per term, in accordance with the Homework Schedule which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

At Key Stage 4 (years 10 and 11), students are to be set homework of 45-60 minutes per subject, per week.

Sixth Form students are expected to work with a high degree of independence both at school and at home.  They should plan their work outside of lessons and include activities appropriate to their course.  Homework will be set by teachers and, as a guide, each subject should be providing three to four hours of self-study activities per week.  Where the teaching is shared between teachers, the time should be broken down between them.

How will my child record their homework?

We recognise the vital role that parents play in the education of their child and we strongly believe in the value of a good home-school partnership, which our homework policy reflects.

To allow for the effective involvement of parents and carers in homework, the school uses Satchel One. This is an online homework calendar for which all students and parents/carers receive a unique log in and which shows details of all homework set along with its due date.

How will I know how to support my child with their homework?

Satchel One also allows teachers to provide more guidance on what is expected, along with the option to attach resources and useful weblinks. We have found that this alleviates some of the concerns students may have about recording all of the information about homework during their lessons. Instead, they are free to focus on listening to the teacher’s instructions.

How long should my child spend on their homework?

Satchel One shows how long teachers expect the students to spend on a particular piece of homework. This is a useful guide for parents, especially in the early days when students are getting used to managing homework at secondary school.

What if my child is spending too long on their homework?

If you feel that your son or daughter has spent sufficient time on a piece of homework, but has not completed it, a note to the teacher in the Contact Book will suffice.

How do I find out more about Satchel One?

All students entering year 7 will be introduced to Satchel One in their first ICT lesson of the year. Parents will receive log in details at the New Parents’ Information evening.

Who can I talk to about worries with homework?

If you have any concerns about how your son or daughter is coping with managing their homework, please contact their tutor who will be able to give them some additional support or advice.

For technical queries relating to Satchel One, contact them by email using the contact form https://contactus.satchelone.com/

For subject-specific concerns about homework, please contact the school office via telephone or email (enquiries@oldfieldschool.com) stating the nature of your concerns and they will direct your enquiry to the appropriate member of staff.

KS3 Programme 2021-22 Year 7

KS3 Programme 2021-22 Year 8

KS3 Programme 2021-22 Year 9

Click here to visit the Homework Policy