In order to ensure our students enjoy high quality careers guidance and experiences, we are embedding the eight Gatsby Benchmarks throughout our careers and employability programme. The Gatsby benchmark is a report about career guidance in English secondary schools and how it could be improved. Research was carried out in six countries, including five independent schools in England and from these judgements, eight benchmarks were formed. These benchmarks identify different dimensions of good career guidance.
Gatsby Benchmark |
Provision |
A stable careers programme |
- PSHE programme focuses on employability skills, personal finance, career options and pathway planning.
- PSHE programme focuses on preparation for WEX, application skills and Post-16 Pathways.
- A range of trips are in place to help students to gather information about pathways and providers.
- PSHE programme focuses on Post-18 pathways and applications, including student finance.
- A range of trips are in place to help students gather information about pathways and providers.
Learning from career and labour market information |
- Parents and students are provided with information about Post-16 choices at the GCSE Options Evening.
- Focus in PSHE on gathering information about careers and the labour market.
- All students are provided with information and guidance on the range of options available to them at Post-16.
- Parents are invited to attend the Sixth Form Information Evening.
- Outside speakers are invited into the school to discuss options or students visit pathway specific events to gather information.
- All students are provided with information and guidance on the range of options available to them at Post-18.
- Outside speakers are invited into the school to discuss options or students visit pathway specific events to gather information.
Addressing the needs of each student |
Support, guidance and advice are tailored to the individual student’s needs. These are identified by the tutor, Head of Year, Careers Advisor and Head of Sixth Form. |
Linking curriculum learning to careers |
- Every Learning Area integrates employability skills and subject specific employability routes into their curriculum.
- There is a STEM coordinator who ensures a range of activities, trips and events are in place to engage our young people.
Encounters with employers and employees |
- All students attend the Oldfield Careers Fair in Term 4 where employers from a range of sectors attend. Student visits are structured in such a way to ensure their appropriacy for their age group.
- Year 9 students have the opportunity to take part in the Rotary Club Young Entrepreneur Award
- Year 10 students attend a CV writing workshop and mock interviews delivered by representatives from the world of work.
- KS5 students attend assemblies and workshops run by representatives from the world of work.
Experiences of workplaces |
- All students in Year 10 are expected to find work experience and a week is set aside as Work Experience Week.
- All students in Year 12 are expected to find work experience. A programme of support is on hand to ensure students find high quality placements that reflect their ambitions.
Encounters with Further and Higher Education |
- KS4 and KS5 Brilliant programme involves a visit to Trinity College Cambridge and students work with academics from HE.
- KS5 students attend a range of workshops delivered by HE, FE and apprenticeship providers.
- Representatives from FE and HE also attend our Careers Fair which all students attend.
- All Sixth Form students attend the UCAS conference.
Personal Guidance |
- Year 9 students can request a careers guidance session with our Careers Advisor to support their GCSE option choices.
- By the end of KS4, all students will have an opportunity to meet either with the Careers Advisor or with Mr Nash (Head of Sixth Form) in order to access advice and guidance.
- All Sixth Form students have access to our Careers Advisor. They also have 1:1 guidance sessions from HE providers through our partnership with the University of West of England.
Provider Access
A provider wishing to request access to speak with our students about career pathways should contact Mr Nash-Assistant Head (Careers) in the first instance to discuss arrangements.
Mr Nash can be contacted by email at or by telephone at (01225) 423582 ext. 119

You can view our Policy Statement here.
There are a range of opportunities to access our students: each year group has dedicated PSHE time and targeted assemblies to promote employability skills, pathway options and provide support and guidance.
The school hosts an annual Careers Fair (4th April 2025) where a wide range of providers and employers attend. If you are interested to participate, please send your email to