Teaching and Learning
The faculty currently teaches in tutor groups in Year 7 and in sets based on current performance and potential in year 8 to 11. Students entering Year 7 are placed in mixed ability groups with additional support given to students when needed.
KS3 – The KS3 curriculum has been produced collaboratively and schemes of work have been created ensuring all students undertake work designed to prove accessible but challenging.
GCSE – Students follow the Edexcel Linear mathematics GCSE. We start GCSE in Year 9 to allow thorough coverage of the new specification and allow maximum preparation time for examinations at the end of the course.
A Level – Mathematics is an increasingly popular course at Oldfield. A growing number of students study A Level Mathematics. Students starting A Level Mathematics from 2017-18 on wards will study the new “uncoupled” A level course which has pure mathematics at its heart and also a broad coverage of applied mathematics in the shape of mechanics and statistics.
Students also have the option to take Further Maths at AS Level. This is going to be offered with the support of the further maths support programme.
Students are assessed throughout all key stages and key test results are held centrally. These are used to track students’ progress towards their targets. All students are aware of these targets and our comment-based marking policy is intended to provide them with guidance regarding how to achieve those levels/grades.