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© 2016 Oldfield School | Kelston Road, Bath BA1 9AB | Tel: 01225 423582 | enquiries@oldfieldschool.com
Oldfield School has been judged as being a good school in every category of the Inspection Framework, and a copy of the inspection report can be accessed below. I hope that you take the time to read what is a very positive summary of the effectiveness of the school. The Ofsted Inspection Framework underwent significant changes in September 2019 and is now a more rigorous process with the emphasis firmly focused on the quality of education in the curriculum and the impact that this has on student outcomes.
The report identifies the high quality of subject leadership and the expertise of teachers, and that staff share an ambitious and clear vision to support students to achieve their potential.
There are a number of areas of the report which are identified as particular strengths of the school, these are:
• Our students make good progress in both the main school and the sixth form, this is a reflection of the outcomes our students achieve in their GCSEs and A Levels. The results in the sixth form, in particular, have been very strong for a number of years now with outcomes consistently in the top 25% or better nationally.
• The increasing demand for places has meant that the school has grown significantly and this is now a mixed, fully inclusive comprehensive school and is a very different school to a few years ago. A priority for the school has been to develop this inclusive ethos, where positive relationships are at the heart of all that we do. The inclusive nature of the school is a significant strength. It is very pleasing to see that this has been recognised; the strength of relationships between students and staff and, also, between students themselves is something we are very proud of.
• Students’ behaviour is good, they are courteous and respectful, which will come as no surprise to anyone who has spent any time with our students.
• The wide range of opportunities for our students and their involvement in the life of the school is a notable feature of the report. There is an impressive range of clubs, trips and activities that our students engage with and appreciate.
Oldfield is not just a good school, it is a very good school with good outcomes for our students and positive and nurturing relationships. It is clear that this view is shared by Ofsted. Our aim is be to an outstanding school and, given the high quality leadership, the commitment of our staff to ensure the best possible outcomes from our students, their positive attitudes and the support we have from parents, we are confident that we will be able to do so.