Careers guidance and work experience

© 2016 Oldfield School | Kelston Road, Bath BA1 9AB | Tel: 01225 423582 |

At Oldfield School we recognise that careers guidance is very important for young people. They need to be able to navigate increasingly complex and challenging choices and manage transitions successfully. Through a comprehensive careers programme within P.S.H.E. students develop an understanding of their personal skills and qualities and can relate these soft skills to personal examples. Faculties have excellent relationships with employers and students are inspired, informed and advised through talks, workshops and visits.  Oldfield School is part of Bath Education Trust to help prepare young people for employment.

Key Stage 3 PSHE

  • Full PSHE careers programme including risk and enterprise skills, challenging stereo-types, option choices, economic education, insight into industry and decisions and pathways.
  • Organised tours of the Careers Library and the Learning Resource Centre and an introduction to ICT resources available.
  • Careers Fair at the school where students are encouraged to ask focused questions from a wide variety of employers and further education providers

Key Stage 4 PSHE

  • Full PSHE careers programme including planning your future, preparation for part-time and full-time work, accurate applications, interview techniques, applying for work experience and expected behaviour in the workplace, health and safety in the workplace, economic education and financial decisions, opportunities post 16, opportunities post 18 and the local labour market.

Key Stage 5

  • In collaboration with the University of the West of England, we offer impartial advice to all students through a series of workshop sessions and one to one meetings. In addition, throughout the year, we attend events and invite guest speakers into school, to cover a range of aspects from apprenticeships to writing that all important personal statement. Most importantly, our Sixth Form tutors have a wealth of experience in guiding students through the UCAS process.

Useful Websites
The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. The service offers confidential, helpful and impartial advice, supported by qualified careers advisers  0800 100 900
Government portal to the National Apprenticeship Service.
Official information on choosing courses and applying for University.
Alternatives to university.
Online questionnaire linking interests to degree subject areas.
Independent guide to university.
WHICH guide to university using grades, location, subjects and interests.
Comparison of universities using university league tables.