Arts Award Success!
12th May 2021

Last year students in Years 7, 8 and 9 worked on a variety of projects for the Bronze Arts Award, a nationally recognised qualification run by the Trinity examination board.
The students worked on portfolios in which they explored their own interests in the arts. The award is in four parts. In the first part, they had to reflect on a piece of art, drama, music or dance they had created or participated in. For the second part they had to reflect on art they have experienced as an audience. Some students reflected on trips and activities run in school before lockdown, others have taken advantage of the wealth of theatre, dance, virtual gallery tours available online whilst at home. Students then had to research their own arts hero and present their research – they have explored everyone from Shakespeare to Stormzy (with a lot of Banksy on the way!). In the final part, students created, planned and delivered an activity where they shared an arts skill with another. It has been great to see so many students teaching parents and siblings to make cards, play musical instruments or try a new drawing technique.
We are really proud of our students who have responded so creatively to this project and have been so impressed with their ability to work independently.
Please find below some examples of their work for part B (responding as an audience member), were students are required to share their evaluation.